Ivan IV, Tsar of Russia. Artist: Unknown

Ivan IV, Tsar of Russia. Artist: Unknown

1-153-441 - Ann Ronan Picture Library/Heritage-Images

Ivan IV, the Terrible, Tsar of Russia. Known as 'The Terrible', Ivan (1530-1584) assumed power as the first Emperor of Russia in 1547.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :
  1. Ivan the Terrible: Russian: Tsar

  1. Woodcut

Picture Type
  1. Portrait

Category Hierarchy

People Royalty

Artistic Representations Portraits

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3260x3215
File Size : 30,706kb


  1. 001064
  1. 001064
  1. 0390002409
  1. 1-153-441
  1. 1153441
  1. 2409

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