'The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem', 19th century. Artist: Visily Ivanovithch Navosoff

'The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem', 19th century. Artist: Visily Ivanovithch Navosoff

1-156-556 - Ann Ronan Picture Library/Heritage-Images

'The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem', 19th century. Men and women praying at the Wailing Wall. The wall, also known as the Western Wall is the only remnant of the Temple in Jerusalem, the holiest building in Judaism.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Visily Ivanovithch Navosoff, attributed to: (Russian?): Artist, painter

  1. Oil

Geographic Hierarchy

World Asia West Bank Al-Quds

  1. 31 45 00 N , 035 20 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Locations & Buildings Places of Worship

Religion & Belief Judaism

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Locations & Buildings Other

People Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3719x2811
File Size : 30,628kb


  1. 004165
  1. P401867
  1. 004165
  1. 0390003316
  1. 1-156-556
  1. 1156556
  1. 3316

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