The Queen's House and Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, London, c1945-c1965. Artist: SW Rawlings

The Queen's House and Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, London, c1945-c1965. Artist: SW Rawlings

1-230-961 - Reproduced by permission of Historic England/Heritage Images

The Queen's House and Royal Naval Hospital , Greenwich, London, viewed from Greenwich Park, London, c1945-c1965. The lawns behind the House have been converted to allotments, with a tricycle and wicker litter bin in the foreground. In the distance on the north bank of the Thames is the Isle of Dogs. This is a heavily industrialised area, as can be seen by the numerous factory chimneys visible on the skyline. Since then much new building has sprung up, including the Docklands development.

Image Details

People Information

  1. SW Rawlings, attributed to: (British?): Photographer

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe United Kingdom England Greater London London Greenwich Greenwich

  1. 51 29 00 N , 000 00 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Locations & Buildings Palaces & Stately Homes

Locations & Buildings Parks & Gardens

Locations & Buildings Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5308x3552
File Size : 55,237kb


  1. AA001161
  1. 0250000497
  1. 1-230-961
  1. 1230961
  1. 497
  1. A3
  1. AA001161

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