Lawrence Alma-Tadema, artist and Royal Academician, 1881. Artist: Unknown

Lawrence Alma-Tadema, artist and Royal Academician, 1881. Artist: Unknown

1-273-666 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Lawrence Alma-Tadema, artist and Royal Academician, 1881. Dutch-born painter Alma-Tadema (1836-1912) moved to London in 1870. He had exhibited two paintings at the Royal Academy the previous year, which had been very well-received. He became a Royal Academician in 1879, and by the 1880s he was one of the most popular and famous artists in Britain, with clients including members of the British and Russian royal families. He specialised in idyllic Classical scenes. Alma-Tadema received a knighthood in 1899, and was held in such regard by the establishment that, when he died in 1912, he was buried in St Paul's Cathedral. From Men of Mark: a gallery of contemporary portraits of men distinguished in the Senate, the Church, in science, literature and art, the army, navy, law, medicine, etc. Photographed from life by Lock and Whitfield, with brief biographical notices by Thompson Cooper. (Conducted by G. C. Whitfield.) (London, 1876-1883).

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :
  1. Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema: British: Artist, painter, draughtsman

  1. Photograph

Picture Type
  1. Portrait

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Netherlands

  1. 52 30 00 N , 005 45 00 E

Category Hierarchy

People Famous People

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Artistic Representations Portraits

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3707x4710
File Size : 51,153kb


  1. 0580006640
  1. 1-273-666
  1. 1273666

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