Bomb damage at a Renault factory, Sevres, Paris, 4 April 1943. Artist: Unknown

Bomb damage at a Renault factory, Sevres, Paris, 4 April 1943. Artist: Unknown

1-276-567 - Art Media/Heritage Images

Bomb damage at a Renault factory, Sevres, Paris, 4 April 1943. The factory was bombed by aircraft of the US 8th Air Force.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe France

  1. 46 00 00 N , 002 00 00 E

World Europe France Île-de-France Sèvres

  1. 48 49 22 N , 002 13 03 E

Category Hierarchy

History & Politics War & Military Wars, Battles & Events

Trade & Industry Manufacturing & Heavy Industry

Locations & Buildings Other

History & Politics War & Military Wartime

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4752x3676
File Size : 51,177kb


  1. 0510005009
  1. 1-276-567
  1. 1276567

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