Ruins of Athens, 1751-1777. Artist: Bernard

Ruins of Athens, 1751-1777. Artist: Bernard

1-344-118 - Art Media/Heritage Images

Ruins of Athens, 1751-1777. A print from a supplement of the Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers by Diderot & d'Alembert, 1751-1777. From a private collection.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Bernard, attributed to: French: Artist, engraver
  1. Denis Diderot: French: Philosopher, art critic, writer, editor

  1. Engraving

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Greece

  1. 39 00 00 N , 022 00 00 E

World Europe Greece Periféreia Protevoúsis Athens

  1. 37 59 00 N , 023 44 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Locations & Buildings Places of Worship

Locations & Buildings Archaeological Sites

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3304x5297
File Size : 51,274kb


  1. C222084
  1. 0510007015
  1. 1-344-118
  1. 1344118
  1. C222084

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