Harbour taverna, Ligia, Levkas, Greece.

Harbour taverna, Ligia, Levkas, Greece.

2-332-041 - Tony Boxall FRPS/Heritage Images

Harbour taverna, Ligia, Levkas, Greece. Levkas is one of the Ionian Islands.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Tony Boxall, attributed to: British: Photographer

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Asia Turkey Mediterranean Region

  1. 37 00 00 N , 034 00 00 E

World Europe Greece Ionian Islands Levkás

  1. 38 45 00 N , 020 40 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Architecture & Archaeology Hotels, Pubs & Restaurants

Places Europe Greece Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3326x5241
File Size : 51,070kb


  1. G3.tif
  1. 0470007235
  1. 2-332-041
  1. 2332041
  1. G3

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