Exterior of the newly refurbished Co-op in Barnsley, 1961. Artist: Michael Walters

Exterior of the newly refurbished Co-op in Barnsley, 1961. Artist: Michael Walters

2-357-463 - Worldwide Photography/Heritage-Images

Exterior of the newly refurbished Co-op in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, 1961. Parking restriction were not yet in place in central Barnsley as can be seen with the parked cars. The one way system was though as a one way street sign stands outside the shop.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Michael Walters, attributed to: British: Photographer

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe United Kingdom England South Yorkshire Barnsley

  1. 53 35 00 N , 001 30 00 W

Category Hierarchy

Trade & Industry Shops & Markets

Locations & Buildings Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4038x5217
File Size : 61,718kb


  1. 4483
  1. 0710000059
  1. 2-357-463
  1. 2357463
  1. 4483

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