The Pompeion, Athens, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal

The Pompeion, Athens, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal

2-368-907 - Samuel Magal/Sites & Photos/Heritage Images

The Pompeion, Athens, Greece. The Pompeion, between the Dipylon Gate and the Sacred Gate, was where the preparations were carried out for the most important festival of ancient Athens, the Panathenaia. The Classical building was destroyed in 86 BC at the time of the Roman incursion into Athens. Later two buildings were erected on its ruins, first the so-called 'Storehouse' (2nd century AD) and afterwards, in around 400 AD, two arcades with a street ending in a gate.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Samuel Magal, attributed to: : Photographer, head researcher and archivist of Sites and Photos

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Greece

  1. 39 00 00 N , 022 00 00 E

World Europe Greece Periféreia Protevoúsis Athens

  1. 37 59 00 N , 023 44 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Lifestyle & Leisure Entertainment & Media

Locations & Buildings Archaeological Sites

Locations & Buildings Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5129x3419
File Size : 51,376kb


  1. R20051279
  1. 0740000383
  1. 2-368-907
  1. 2368907
  1. R20051279

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