William de Breteuil defends the treasury, Winchester, Hampshire, 1100 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle

William de Breteuil defends the treasury, Winchester, Hampshire, 1100 (1864).  Artist: James William Edmund Doyle

2-376-504 - Historica Graphica Collection/Heritage Images

William de Breteuil defends the treasury, Winchester, Hampshire, 1100 (1864). William was the eldest son of William Fitzosbern, first Earl of Hereford. He is seen defending William the Conqueror's treasury from Henry Beauclerc, the former King's youngest son. Henry (1068-1135) claimed the crown on the death of his brother William II, who died without issue in 1100. Robert, Duke of Normandy, William I's eldest son, who he had passed over as his heir to the English throne in favour of William II, was away on the First Crusade. Henry, seen drawing his sword, persuaded William to give way and was named King Henry I of England the following day. After Robert's return he unsuccessfully pursued his claim to be king, losing his Duchy of Normandy in the process, and eventually died in prison in Cardiff Castle in 1134.

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