A crowd of men gathered in front of a ruined building, Germany c1918-c1919(?) (1936) Artist: Unknown

A crowd of men gathered in front of a ruined building, Germany c1918-c1919(?) (1936) Artist: Unknown

2-378-010 - Historica Graphica Collection/Heritage Images

A crowd of men gathered in front of a ruined building, Germany c1918-c1919(?) (1936). Red Anarchy and Terror Swept over Germany. Probably a photograph showing damage caused during the German Revolution that broke out in the closing days of the First World War and culminated in the Spartacist Uprising and its suppression in January 1919. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936).

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Germany

  1. 51 30 00 N , 010 30 00 E

Category Hierarchy

History & Politics Politics Political Events

Locations & Buildings Other

People Other

History & Politics Historical Events

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3104x4528
File Size : 41,177kb


  1. 340802
  1. 07916
  1. 0600001263
  1. 2-378-010
  1. 2378010
  1. 340802

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