Virgin and child with Sants Catherine, Lucy, Justina of Padua and a Benedictine monk. Artist: Varotari, Dario, the Elder (1539-1596)

Virgin and child with Sants Catherine, Lucy, Justina of Padua and a Benedictine monk. Artist: Varotari, Dario, the Elder (1539-1596)

2-595-951 - © Fine Art Images/Heritage Images

Virgin and child with Sants Catherine, Lucy, Justina of Padua and a Benedictine monk. Found in the collection of the Musei Civici, Padova.

Image Details

  1. Oil on canvas

Picture Type
  1. Bible

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4230x3425
File Size : 42,445kb


  1. 22288
  1. 0760010045
  1. 2-595-951
  1. 22288
  1. 2595951

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