Tula, religious civic center of the Toltec culture founded around 900 BC. JC, under the name Toll…

Tula, religious civic center of the Toltec culture founded around 900 BC. JC, under the name Toll…

2-684-350 - Mithra/Index/Heritage Images

Tula, religious civic center of the Toltec culture founded around 900 BC. JC, under the name Tollan Xicocotitlán, main square from the 'Ball Game 2' with the 'Burned Palace' and 'The Atlas building' or 'Temple of the Star'.

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Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5389x3543
File Size : 55,938kb


  1. 137-0322216
  1. 0890003545
  1. 2-684-350
  1. 2684350
  1. 322216

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