Entrance of the Cortés army triumphant in Tlascala after the victory of Otumba, painting inspired…

Entrance of the Cortés army triumphant in Tlascala after the victory of Otumba, painting inspired…

2-685-915 - Mithra/Index/Heritage Images

Entrance of the Cortés army triumphant in Tlascala after the victory of Otumba, painting inspired by the engravings in the work of Antonio de Solis 'History of the Conquest of Mexico', Madrid, 1783.

Image Details

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3775x5016
File Size : 55,475kb


  1. 137-0627935
  1. 0890004278
  1. 2-685-915
  1. 2685915
  1. 627935

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