Les Hiboux, 55 Avenue Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium, (1899), c2014-c2017. Artist: Alan John Ainsworth.

Les Hiboux, 55 Avenue Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium, (1899), c2014-c2017. Artist: Alan John Ainsworth.

2-692-381 - Alan John Ainsworth/Heritage Images

Les Hiboux, 55 Avenue Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium, c2014-c2017. Designed by Edouard Pelseneer: 1899 for the symbolist painter Fernand Khnopff. Owls on red brick and stone with sgraffiti.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Alan John Ainsworth, attributed to: British, Romany: Photographer
People Related
  1. Edouard Pelseneer: Belgian: Architect
  2. Fernand Khnopff: Belgian: Painter, sculptor, printmaker

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Belgium Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Brussels

  1. 50 50 00 N , 004 20 00 E

World Europe Belgium Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Saint-Gilles

  1. 50 49 00 N , 004 20 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Trade & Industry Construction Industry

Locations & Buildings Other

Trade & Industry Finance

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4929x3286
File Size : 47,452kb


  1. Alan John Ainsworth-BAN-483
  1. 0880001098
  1. 2-692-381
  1. 2692381
  1. Alan John Ainsworth-BAN-483

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