The Hurlers stone circles, Minions, Cornwall, 2006. Artist: Historic England Staff Photographer.

The Hurlers stone circles, Minions, Cornwall, 2006. Artist: Historic England Staff Photographer.

2-692-661 - Historic England Archive/Heritage Images

The Hurlers stone circles, Minions, Cornwall, 2006. General view of the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age stone circles. The stones are reputed to be the remains of men petrified for playing a game of hurling on a Sunday.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Historic England Staff Photographer, attributed to: :

  1. Photograph

Picture Type
  1. Landscape

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe United Kingdom England Cornwall

  1. 50 25 00 N , 004 45 00 W

Category Hierarchy

Artistic Representations Landscapes

Locations & Buildings Monuments & Statues

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3976x2791
File Size : 32,511kb


  1. N061067.tif
  1. 0250007712
  1. 2-692-661
  1. 2692661
  1. N061067.tif

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