Political map of South Western Asia. Artist: Unknown.

Political map of South Western Asia. Artist: Unknown.

2-693-119 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Political map of South Western Asia. Map of the Near and Middle East, showing parts of East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Plate 50 from The Times Atlas.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

Picture Type
  1. Map

Geographic Hierarchy

World Middle East

  1. 30 20 16 N , 042 29 52 E

World Oceans Mediterranean Sea

  1. 35 00 00 N , 020 00 00 E

World Oceans Red Sea

  1. 19 00 00 N , 039 30 00 E

World Asia Turkey Mediterranean Region

  1. 37 00 00 N , 034 00 00 E

World Asia Afghanistan

  1. 33 00 00 N , 065 00 00 E

World Oceans Arabian Sea

  1. 20 00 00 N , 065 00 00 E

World Asia Pakistan

  1. 30 00 00 N , 070 00 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Artistic Representations Maps

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4600x3553
File Size : 47,883kb


  1. 1P
  1. 0580033609
  1. 2-693-119
  1. 2693119

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