'Procession to the Salute', early 20th century, (1925). Creator: Edward Millington Synge.

'Procession to the Salute', early 20th century, (1925). Creator: Edward Millington Synge.

2-696-809 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

'Procession to the Salute', early 20th century, (1925). People crossing a bridge to the church of Santa Maria Della Salute in Venice, Italy. Commonly known as the 'Salute' (which means 'health'), the church was built as a votive offering for the city's deliverance from an outbreak of the plague in 1630. From Venice - Past and Present, text by Selwyn Brinton, M.A., edited by Geoffrey Holme. [The Studio Ltd., London, 1925]

Image Details

People Information

  1. Edward Millington Synge, attributed to: British; English: Artist, painter
People Related
  1. Selwyn Brinton: : Author, writer
  2. Geoffrey Holme: British: Editor

  1. Etching

Picture Type
  1. Landscape

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Italy Veneto Venezia Venice

  1. 45 26 19 N , 012 19 36 E

Category Hierarchy

Artistic Representations Landscapes

Locations & Buildings Other

Locations & Buildings Bridges

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3274x3314
File Size : 31,788kb


  1. 0580055700
  1. 2-696-809
  1. 2696809

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