Birmingham, Canal, B'ham, 2009. Creator: Ethel Davies.

Birmingham, Canal, B'ham, 2009. Creator: Ethel Davies.

2-697-651 - Then and Now Images/Heritage Images

Curved bridge, the Hyatt Hotel and other urban buildings alongside the canal, Gas Street Canal Basin, Birmingham, West Midlands, England.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Ethel Davies, attributed to: American born British: Photographer

  1. Photograph

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5150x3446
File Size : 51,993kb


  1. Birmingham, Canal, B'ham_0014
  1. 0900000142
  1. 2-697-651
  1. 2697651
  1. Birmingham, Canal, B'ham_0014

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