Ladies at Home, 1890's. Creator: Japanese Photographer (19th Century).

Ladies at Home, 1890's. Creator: Japanese Photographer (19th Century).

2-700-979 - Historica Graphica Collection/Heritage Images

Ladies at Home, 1890's (hand coloured photo). A group of three young women, all dressed in the traditional costume of geishas, are seen arranged on a porch; one holds a delicate parasol; a traditional japanese tea set can be seen to their left.

Image Details

  1. Hand coloured photograph

Picture Type
  1. Photo

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4950x3048
File Size : 44,202kb


  1. 437665
  1. 0600003740
  1. 2-700-979
  1. 2700979
  1. 437665

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