Binzasara, A Dance with Clappers…., early 1790s. Creator: Eishosai Choki (Japanese).

Binzasara, A Dance with Clappers…., early 1790s. Creator: Eishosai Choki (Japanese).

2-723-789 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Binzasara, A Dance with Clappers (From the series Entertainments at the Height of the Niwaka Festival in the Pleasure Quarters), early 1790s. During the eighth lunar month of each year the geisha of the pleasure quarters would form themselves into groups and proceed around the quarter performing dances and skits. It seems likely that woodblock prints featuring the Niwaka Festival were purchased as souvenirs of the occasion. The Binzasara is a ritual dance related to agriculture and fertility performed during the month of May. Agricultural deities are addressed by the use of flowered hats and binzasara clappers.

Image Details

  1. Colour woodblock print

Picture Type
  1. Print

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5412x7291
File Size : 115,603kb


  1. 1930.174
  1. 111622
  1. 0940007228
  1. 1930.174
  1. 2-723-789
  1. 2723789

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