Renovation of the Old City of Marseille, Rue Caves de lOratoire, 1862. Creator: Adolphe Terris (French, 1820-1900).

Renovation of the Old City of Marseille, Rue Caves de lOratoire, 1862. Creator: Adolphe Terris (French, 1820-1900).

2-739-103 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Renovation of the Old City of Marseille, Rue Caves de lOratoire, 1862.

Image Details

  1. Albumen print from wet collodion negative

Picture Type
  1. Photograph

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3448x4472
File Size : 45,175kb


  1. 1996.243
  1. 159468
  1. 0940023148
  1. 1996.243
  1. 2-739-103
  1. 2739103

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