Islamic illuminated manuscripts, (1898). Creator: Unknown.

Islamic illuminated manuscripts, (1898). Creator: Unknown.

2-756-649 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

Islamic illuminated manuscripts, (1898). Decoration from: 'Fig 1: an Arabian Koran, 14th century. Figs 2 and 3: an Arabian Koran, 16th century. Figs 4 and 5: a Moorish Koran, 18th century. Figs 6 and 7: an Arabian Koran, 16th century. Figs 8-10: an Arabian Koran, 17th century. Figs 11 and 12: a Moorish Koran, 18th their paintings on parchment the Arabian artists show special skill in surface decoration. Scroll work, rigidly idealised, alternates with geometrical figures, or else the arabesque ornament fills the compartments formed by the lines and bands. In this manner whole pages are painted in many Koran manuscripts...The writing itself is in most cases bordered and surrounded with rosettes and freezes, which are filled in with ever new combinations of lines and foliage. The splendid and at the same time harmonious effect of this illumination arises principally from the exquisite arrangement of the colours, the brilliancy of which is still enhanced by a profuse employment of gold'. Plate 25 from "The Historic Styles of Ornament" translated from the German of H. Dolmetsch. [B.T. Batford, London, 1898]

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :
People Related
  1. B. T. Batsford: British: Publisher, publishers, publishing house
  2. H. Dolmetsch: German: Architect, author, writer
  3. E. Hochdanz: German: Printer, printers, printing company, publisher, publishers, publishing company

  1. Chromolithograph
  2. Lithograph

Picture Type
  1. Manuscript

Geographic Hierarchy

World Middle East

  1. 30 20 16 N , 042 29 52 E

Category Hierarchy

Religion & Belief Islam

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Artistic Representations Illuminated Manuscripts

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3783x5959
File Size : 66,044kb


  1. 0580071405
  1. 2-756-649
  1. 2756649

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