Title-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825. Creator: William Blake.

Title-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825. Creator: William Blake.

2-821-069 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Title-Page of the Engraved Illustrations to the Book of Job, 1825.

Image Details

People Information

  1. William Blake, attributed to: British: Artist, painter, printmaker, illustrator, author, poet, publisher, engraver

  1. Engraving on india paper

Picture Type
  1. Print

Category Hierarchy

Religion & Belief Christianity

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3133x4000
File Size : 36,715kb


  1. 1941.1.225
  1. 804
  1. 0960023552
  1. 1941.1.225
  1. 2-821-069
  1. 2821069

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