Road Through a Village, 1902. Creator: Theophile Alexandre Steinlen.

Road Through a Village, 1902. Creator: Theophile Alexandre Steinlen.

2-878-973 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Road Through a Village, 1902.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Theophile Alexandre Steinlen, attributed to: Swiss: Artist, painter, printmaker

  1. Etching,soft ground etching from two zinc plates in 3 colours (dark green, bright green and brown) on ivory wove paper

Picture Type
  1. Prints and drawings

Category Hierarchy

Artistic Representations Portraits

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3000x2077
File Size : 18,255kb


  1. 1927.5425
  1. 49690
  1. 1000035837
  1. 1927.5425
  1. 2-878-973
  1. 2878973

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