The "Azorian", Orange Schooner, 1850. Sailing ship which '...measures about 105 tons, N.M., and brings about 730 chests of oranges...The Azores and Spain are known to afford the best oranges. The trade carried on in this produce is of considerable value and importance, and the present season of this fruit has been unusually productive...This trade has, of late years, considerably increased; and during the present season has employed from 200 to 230 schooners, greater part of which are first-class vessels...The orange-tree, being a native of warm southern latitudes, is a remarkable instance of one which gives employment to, and forms even an article of commerce from, the southern to the more northern European nations...Mr. Macculloch states the number of oranges imported into Great Britain in one year to exceed two hundred millions'. From "Illustrated London News", 1850.
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