Pages of the work 'Silvar morales com Iinterpretatione ascensi inxii libello divisae', 1492. Creator: Badio Ascensio (1462-1535).

Pages of the work 'Silvar morales com Iinterpretatione ascensi inxii libello divisae', 1492. Creator: Badio Ascensio (1462-1535).

2-951-959 - Delstres - Index/Heritage Images

Pages of the work 'Silvar morales com Iinterpretatione ascensi inxii libello divisae'. Autology of commented Latin texts, with moral and educational explanations by Badio Ascensio. Printed in Lyon by Johannes Creschel in 1492.

Image Details

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 6300x4358
File Size : 80,436kb


  1. 1806575.jpg
  1. 193-1806575
  1. 0890008754
  1. 2-951-959
  1. 2951959

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