The Valparaiso and Santiago Railway - Bridge at Valparaiso, 1856. Creator: Unknown.

The Valparaiso and Santiago Railway - Bridge at Valparaiso, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.

2-969-724 - /Heritage Images

The Valparaiso and Santiago Railway - Bridge at Valparaiso, 1856. 'This portion of a very difficult and expensive line embraces three miles and a half along the coast, and presents a series of sea walls, breakwaters, and various other shore defences of enormous strength and solidity, the nature of the sea here at times demanding extreme precautions. The syenite rock in this neighbourhood is of the most obdurate character, and immense labour has been required to overcome the obstacles the rugged nature of the shore presented, and at one point a tunnel was rendered necessary, upon a sharp curve. The remainder of the distance through the valley of the Vina del Mar is of a less arduous nature, and the country is extremely beautiful. Beyond this the line yet unfinished will possess features which few English railways present in respect of gradients and other engineering difficulties'. From "Illustrated London News", 1856.

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People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

Category Hierarchy

Lifestyle & Leisure Transport & Travel

Science & Nature Technology & Innovation

Locations & Buildings Bridges

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 2538x1834
File Size : 4,546kb


  1. ILN_1856_Page_019_c.jpg
  1. 1856
  1. 0580079899
  1. 2-969-724
  1. 2969724

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