The Petition to the Doge, 1860. Creator: Carl Ludwig Friedrich Becker.

The Petition to the Doge, 1860. Creator: Carl Ludwig Friedrich Becker.

2-999-620 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

The Petition to the Doge, 1860. A doge, standing in a palace doorway, is confronted by a petitioner; a lady in black, who, kneeling on the pavement, holds her young daughter before her. A halberdier, guarding the entrance, glances at the kneeling figure. Behind, in the shadows at the right, is an elderly woman with bowed head and clasped hands. The doge's retinue includes his page, who carries the trailing robe, and several attendants discernible in the sunlit interior beyond the portal.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Carl Ludwig Friedrich Becker, attributed to: German: Artist, painter

  1. "oil on canvas

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Italy Veneto Venezia Venice

  1. 45 26 19 N , 012 19 36 E

Category Hierarchy

Artistic Representations Portraits

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3908x4960
File Size : 56,789kb


  1. 37.162
  1. 1100000213
  1. 2-999-620
  1. 2999620
  1. 37.162

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