The Fishmongers and Poulterers' Institution at Wood Green, near Hornsey, [London], 1862. '...the institution [on Green Lanes] was originated by a few working men or journeymen in the fish and poultry trades; who, sensible that, from the nature of their occupation, involving constant exposure to wet and cold, they, and indeed the majority of their employers, are liable in a peculiar degree to the most virulent forms of disease, and often premature death, conceived the idea of forming an association for the purpose of providing casual and, as their first modest address to their fellows expressed it, if possible, permanent relief and residence for their aged and destitute brethren...A site was purchased in a delightful situation...both healthful and picturesque, and a noble building, in the Elizabethan style of architecture, consisting of twelve houses, erected...In 1849 the asylum was opened by the admittance of eight inmates...but, notwithstanding the constant endeavours of the committee, though there are many deserving applicants, they have been unable, from the want of adequate funds, to fill more than ten of the twelve houses, so that two of them have been unoccupied for twelve years'. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.
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