A light load from the last-reaped field, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

A light load from the last-reaped field, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

3-011-969 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

A light load from the last-reaped field, 1864. 'The custom of giving a supper to the harvest folk has been observed from time immemorial...The jollity of the season is universally felt, and a rollicking hilariousness is everywhere apparent. This is happily shown by our Artist...Two stalwart youths - the labour of the season well-nigh over - give themselves up to the intoxication of the time, and bear aloft a damsel as the lightest load and fairest sheaf from the last-reaped field. The girl does not seem quite at ease on her extemporised throne, nor do the children who look on at first enter fully into the joke. But they speedily will. The fair occupant will soon he accustomed to her seat of honour, and so get over the little trepidation which, in common with her sisters of more exalted rank, she naturally feels; and the flickering smile on the faces of the onlookers wall quickly broaden into a grin...Let us be thankful, in conclusion, to the Giver of all Good for having provided such a fund of enjoyment to his creatures in the simple exercise of their faculties; and may our labouring population have their toils more and more lightened by innocent mirth and graceful relaxation!'. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

Category Hierarchy

Science & Nature Weather & Seasons

Trade & Industry Occupations

Trade & Industry Agriculture & Fishing

Science & Nature Times of the Day

People Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3864x3168
File Size : 11,955kb


  1. ILN_1864_Page_201_a.jpg
  1. 1864
  1. 0580091594
  1. 3-011-969
  1. 3011969

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