Engraved Ring with a Sow, about 500 BC. Additional Info: The bezel of this gold ring is engraved with a large sow with seven prominent dugs, walking to the right. This ring is very worn, but slight traces remain of the hatched border that originally encircled the image. Engraved gold rings, especially those with deeply carved devices like this one, were often used as seals, and were engraved with a variety of images. Animals were the most popular motifs on both engraved Greek gems and rings in the Archaic period; sows and boars were especially popular in the late 500s and early 400s BC The pointed oval form of the bezel became popular in the period around 500 BC This bezel and the ring were made from one piece of metal, with the hoop hammered flat to form the bezel.
Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5901x3398
File Size : 58,745kb