The Midnight Procession: tablets with titles of the bride - Chinese Imperial Marriage at Pekin, 1872. 'The Illustrations which appear in this week's Number of our Journal, representing some of the pomps and peculiar ceremonial arrangements for the marriage of the young Emperor of China at Pekin, on Oct. 16, form the commencement of a series, designed to put before our readers many characteristic scenes and incidents in several parts of the Chinese Empire. Our special Artist, Mr. William Simpson, commissioned to go from England to China upon this express service, was able to arrive at Pekin a few days before the Imperial Wedding took place, and has furnished us with Sketches received by the last mail, three of which supply the Engravings here brought under notice...[Illustration shows] the Tablets with the Titles of the Bride being borne along, forming part of the Bridal Procession at Midnight. Tablets of red paper of this kind are always carried before a bride in China; but on this occasion they were of gold'. From "Illustrated London News", 1880.
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