The Duke of Edinburgh receiving the Commander of the U.S. frigate Constellation at Queenstown, 1880. 'The frigate Constellation, which came to Queenstown, in Cork harbour, the week before last, with stores for the relief of Irish distress, was represented in one [our previous] Illustrations...The one we now give is that of the scene a few days afterwards, when his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Rear-Admiral R.N., commanding the reserve, officially received the American naval commander, Captain E. Potter, on board H.M.S. Lively, despatch-vessel, and bade him welcome to our shores; heartily thanking him and the United States' Government and people, for their signal act of kindness to a portion of the Queen's subjects. We are indebted to Mr. C. W. Cole, paymaster of the Lively, for the Sketch of this very interesting scene which we have engraved. After the exchange of friendly civilities, his Royal Highness speedily arranged with Captain Potter the manner in which the stores brought by the Constellation were to be transhipped to the flotilla of gun-boats named in our last account, which were to convey them to different ports along the west coast of Ireland. The American captain has been presented with the freedom of the city of Dublin'. From "Illustrated London News", 1880.
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World Europe Ireland Cork Cóbh
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