Bishop Wilberforce's grave, West Lavington, [West Sussex], 1873. 'The lamented death of the Bishop of Winchester, by a fall from the horse he was riding, on the Surrey Downs, near Dorking, has not yet ceased to occupy the public mind with a sad interest, which will extend to the view of his grave, in the village churchyard of West Lavington, Sussex. Here the mortal remains of Dr. Samuel Wilberforce were laid, a fortnight ago, in the presence of his most reverend and right reverend brethren the Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin and the Bishops of Peterborough, Rochester, and Oxford, with a large number of other friends, lay and clerical, amongst whom were several persons of distinction. It was proposed to inter this accomplished prelate of the English Church in Westminster Abbey; but he had expressed a wish to be buried, whenever he should die, in the place where his wife had been laid, thirty years ago, and in the neighbourhood of his rural home, which is not far from Petworth'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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