The Fountain of Raphael Donner in the Neumarkt, Vienna, 1873. 'The Neumarkt, or New Market-place, in the capital city of sometimes called the Mehlmarkt, as there was always a flour market held in this place. The fountain or basin of water in the middle is adorned with a fine statue of cast lead, by the famous artist Raphael Donner, which represents the virtue of Prudence, supported by four children holding in their arms each a fish, which is spouting water; on the rim of the basin are four large figures, to personify four of the Austrian rivers. This work of sculpture was made in 1631, but the figures were at one time removed to the city armoury, where they were kept many years, till their restoration, in 1801, to their original place'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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