The new Infirmary at Wigan, 1873. 'The opening of this institution by the Prince and Princess of Wales a short time ago will be fresh in our readers' memory. It has been built, at a cost of about £30,000, by Mr. J. Wilson, Wigan, from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr. T. Worthington, Manchester. It is situated on an elevated spot, half a mile from the town, and fronts the main road from Wigan. The administrative offices and dispensary occupy the centre, right and left of which are wings for males and females. In the rear of the offices is a two-story pavilion for surgical or accidental cases. A porch and vestibule give access to the central hall. The ward accommodation provided is for sixty patients - forty-five males and fifteen females. Behind the kitchen is the male ward of thirty beds for surgical cases or accidents, having two small single-bedded wards for special treatment, or isolation after operation...Each of these pavilions has a spacious and airy day-room, with large projecting bay window'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
World Europe United Kingdom England Greater Manchester Wigan Wigan
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