The Karakoram Pass, from Cashmere to Yarkand, 1873. 'The road from Leh, in the West Himalayas, the capital of Ladak or Middle Thibet, and from the upper valley of the Indus, passes northward to enter the Tartar or Turkoman principality of Yarkand, which was till lately a province of the Chinese empire. This road crosses the Mustagh or Koenlun range of the Karakoram Pass. We present a view of...this remarkable place in the high middle region of Central Asia. Its elevation is not less than 18,200 ft. above the sea-level. The aspect, in every direction, is stern and forbidding. The way is over a rounded ridge connecting two hills which rise, somewhat abruptly, to the height of perhaps 1000 ft. above the road. There is scarcely a trace of vegetation; the top is covered with loose shingle, which affords no growth even of lichens, and upon which even the snow does not lie...The surrounding rocks are composed of a dark blue slate, which contains much pyrites, alternating with a hard limestone. No plants are seen, and no animals, except a few large ravens wheeling about the crags...The Karakoram Pass was visited in 1847 by Dr. Thomas Thompson, and is described in his book of travel, called "The Western Himalayas and Thibet".' From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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