Mr. Owen, Secretary to the British Commission at the Vienna Exhibition, 1873. Engraving from a photograph by Fritz Luckhardt. 'This gentleman is...[the] brother of the late Colonel Owen, General Superintendent of the London Great Exhibition of 1851. Philip Cunliffe-Owen...was appointed a clerk in the Science and Art Department in the year 1854, and since that time has held appointments in connection with all the great exhibitions. He was Deputy-Superintendent for Arrangement at the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1855; Superintendent of the Foreign Department at the London International Exhibition, 1862; [and] Assistant Executive Commissioner for the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867...In recognition of the services rendered on these occasions he has received the following decorations from foreign Courts: Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria; of the St. Michael Order of Merit, Bavaria; of the Order of Christ, Portugal; and of the Royal Order of Charles III., Spain; Knight of the Legion of Honour, France; of the Order of Leopold, Belgium; of the Order of St. Olaf, Norway; of the Order of Frederick, Wurtemberg; and of the Order of Vasa, Sweden. Mr. Owen is also one of the superintendents of the South Kensington Museum'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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