Mr. Bright addressing the electors of Birmingham, 1873. 'The appearance once more of the Right Hon. John Bright, M.P., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, as a speaker on the platform of a public meeting was hailed, last week, by his numerous political admirers with great satisfaction. It took place in the Bingley Hall, at Birmingham, on Wednesday week, at half-past seven in the evening. We present an Illustration of the scene in the hall, which was completely filled by a most enthusiastic audience. To the body of the hall, which is estimated to afford standing-room for 11,000 or 12,000, the public had admission free. The platform from which Mr. Bright spoke was seated for 100. Behind this was a gallery erected for 200 ladies, while right and left were two spacious side galleries to accommodate 1250 persons. To these three gaPeries access was obtained only by means of tickets, varying in price from 2s. 6d. to 5s. At the advertised hour of meeting the Mayor, Mr. Ambrose Biggs, made his appearance on the platform, and was immediately followed by Mr. Bright, whose presence was hailed by repeated shouts of joyous welcome. The Mayor presided...Our Illustration shows the right hon. gentleman in the act of speaking'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
World Europe United Kingdom England West Midlands Birmingham Birmingham
History & Politics Politics Political Events
History & Politics Politics Politicians
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