Vienna Universal Exhibition - ground plan, 1873. 'The deeply shaded parts show the space allotted to Gt. Britain in the Machinery Hall, Agricultural Hall, and Industrial Palace...The round black dots show position of Hydrants, and the fine dotted lines, the Water service... there are Cape diamonds, polished and in the rough; numerous samples of cotton; stuffs of mohair; the models of incubators for the artificial hatching of ostrich eggs are especially worthy of notice; the production of tobacco is quite a new industry in our great West Indian island, where the weed is being raised from Havannah seed on imitation Havannah soil; and, judging from the samples sent to Vienna, it has already proved eminently successful; Mauritius is creditably represented, its sugars and raw silks being exceptionally fine...The recent Ashantee war lends considerable interest to the curious collection of primitive weapons from the West Coast of Africa, although, unhappily, the natives are gradually abandoning them for rifles from European factories'. [Also show are the various international pavilions; railway line, tramway and entrance for carriages from Vienna; Turkish fountain; Bohemian beer outlet; Austrian brewery; French restaurant and Krupp's steel display. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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