The Isle of Thanet [in Kent]: Minster Church, 1873. 'Dompneva was [the] first abbess [of St. Mary's Convent], succeeded by her daughter, St. Mildred, who was followed by Eadburga, the builder of a more stately pile. All the seventy nuns, with their abbess, were slain, in 1011, by the ferocious Danes, when the convent was utterly destroyed; but its site and endowments were afterwards possessed by the monks of St. Augustine. These monks erected the church dedicated to St. Mary, which is a handsome building - the nave Norman, the chancel and transept Early English, with eighteen collegiate stalls in the chancel. It contains two large altar-tombs of black marble, richly decorated with fantastic sculpture; also the tomb of Edila de Thorne, stripped of its brass, and the bible-pew, where a copy of the sacred book was chained to the desk'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
World Europe United Kingdom England Kent
World Europe United Kingdom England Kent Thanet, Isle of Minster
Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 1715x2105
File Size : 3,526kb