Presentation of prizes at the Vienna Exhibition, 1873. 'The ceremony of presenting the prizes to meritorious exhibitors...was performed in the Winter Riding School of the Imperial Palace on the 18th August, by Archduke Albert. His Imperial and Royal Highness, first cousin of the Emperor of Austria, was accompanied on the dais by Archduke Leopold. On the floor in front of him was the Emperor's youngest brother, Archduke Charles Louis, attended by Count Andrassy, Prime Minister of the Empire, and by Baron Schwarz-Senborn, Director General of the Exhibition. Archduke Rainer, President of the Exhibition Committee, with the gentlemen belonging to that committee, appears where he stood after coming forward to present to Archduke Charles Louis, as representing the Emperor, a list of the awards made by the jurors. Archduke Charles Louis, turning to his senior relative on the dais, has given a consent, in the Emperor's name, to the publication of this list. Baron Schwarz-Senborn has taken the list in his hand, and is about to read it, at the moment of our Artist's sketch. This was the whole of the simple ceremony, followed by the music of the Austrian national hymn'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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