A ship running foul of London Bridge, 1873. 'An unusual accident took place at London Bridge, about ten o'clock in the morning, yesterday week. The screw steam-ship Tagus, of 2000 tons burden, from Oporto, with a full cargo of fruit, was making her way up to berth off the wharf at London Bridge, and to discharge her cargo. The flood tide was running strong, and the anchor of the Tagus was thrown out to fasten her to her moorings. The current appeared to be too much for the vessel's holding; and, giving way to its force, she dragged her anchor and became unmanageable, swinging round at the full length of her cable, and coming into contact with the two central piers of London Bridge, against which she dashed with terrific force, having got beyond the control of the man at the helm. The position of the vessel was one of considerable peril, as she repeatedly bounded broadside against the abutments of the bridge; but the only damage which she sustained was an injury to her bow and to the smaller spars and taut rigging. While drifting towards the bridge, the Tagus crushed a barge against the stonework of the bridge'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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