Fruit and vegetable market, Vienna, 1873. Engraving showing '...a view of the Obst-Markt, or Nasch-Markt, the market for fruit and vegetables at Vienna. This market is situated in the suburb of Wieden, on the south bank of the little river Wien, and nearly opposite the Elizabeth Bridge. The large church dome, flanked by two pillars, which is seen at the back of the view, looking north, is that of the Carlskirche, built from 1716 to 1737, in performance of a vow taken by the Emperor Charles VI. when the plague was raging in Vienna. To the right is the Polytechnic Institution, a Government college of applied science and the useful arts. The large house fronting the market is the so-called Frei-Haus, which was formerly a nobleman's mansion, and is still privileged with exemption from taxes, though now partitioned and let for hire in 200 petty lodgings. In the courtyard of this mansion stood Schickaneder's Theatre, where Mozart's opera of the "Zauberflöte " was first performed; and he composed that opera in the garden pavilion here'. From "Illustrated London News", 1873.
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