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Dr. N.D. Hillis, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Field Mass, Wash., 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.
Field Mass, Wash., 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.
Scene from "Ages Ago," at the Gallery of Illustration, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Tomb of Raffaelle, in the Pantheon at Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Ireland: cross at Kilskeer, to commemorate the murder of Connell, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Allhallows Staining Church, Mark-Lane, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "The Fool's Revenge," at the Queen's Theatre, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Central Jewish Synagogue, Great Portland-Street, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Shrove Tuesday procession of the Fat Ox at the Tuileries, Paris, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Scene of the fatal crush at Liverpool, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"Good Luck", by C. Baugniet, in the International Exhibition, 1871. Creator: William Hollidge.
Indian Architecture: the Kylas at Ellora, (Hindu, ninth or tenth century), 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The new Greek Church, Liverpool, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Exhibition of church decorative art at Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. Dr. Mackenzie, Suffragan Bishop of Nottingham, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"The Shrine of St. Sebald, Nuremberg," by Samuel Read, 1870. Creator: W. J. P..
The Right Rev. Joshua Hughes, D.D., Bishop of St. Asaph, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. J. F. Mackarness, D.D., Bishop of Oxford, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Blessing the Paschal Lambs in the church of St. Agnes, Rome, 1870. Creator: W. H..
"The Descent From The Cross," etching by Rembrandt, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Ecclesiastical Council at Rome: procession of bishops entering the council chamber, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. Samuel Wilberforce, D.D., Bishop of Winchester, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Consecration of the Suffragan Bishop of Nottingham, 1870. Creator: C. R..
Ecclesiastical Council at Rome: South Transept of St. Peter's...For The Opening Ceremonies, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Tomb of King Ibrahim at Beejapoor, India, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal Worsley Park:...the Bishop of Manchester blessing the Colours..., 1909. Creator: Topical Press Agency.
Indian Architecture: colonnade of Hindu pillars near the Kootub, at Delhi, (eleventh century), 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Ruins of the Star and Garter Hotel at Richmond, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"A Wounded Danish Soldier and his Betrothed," by Madame Jerichau, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Indian Architecture: Temple of Marttand, or the Sun, Kashmir, (Hindu, A.D. 490-555), 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Martyrs' Memorial, Smithfield, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Easter Volunteer Review at Brighton: service in the Pavilion on Sunday morning, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The school that commemorates the fish of the miraculous draught...St. Paul's School, 1909. Creator: Clarke & Hyde.
Isaac Watts, the National Portrait Gallery, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
The new Bishop of Chichester, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Indian Architecture: Eastern Gateway of the Sanchi Tope, (Boodhist, A.D. 15), 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. Dr. Parry, the Suffragan Bishop of Dover, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Reception of a Benedictine monk in St. Paul's Church at Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Croydon New Parish Church, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Royal Archaeological Institute: Llandaff Cathedral, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
"St. John and the Lamb," by Murillo, 1870. Creator: W Thomas.
The Papal Great Council at Rome: Reading Out The Decrees, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Bambino of the Ara Coeli, at Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Church at Oropos, attended by the Greek brigands and their prisoners, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Ober Ammergau, in Bavaria, where the miracle play is performed, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Royal Academy Prize for Sculpture; Hercules and Antaeus, by T. Brock, 1870.  Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. Harvey Goodwin, D.D., Bishop of Carlisle, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The bench of bishops during the debate in the House of Lords on the Irish Church Bill, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
"Out Of The World," by R. Lehmann, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Chapel of King's College, Strand, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
The Hellmuth College at London, Ontario, Canada West, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Monument to the late Lord Brougham at Cannes, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Candlemas at St. Peter's, Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Prehistoric Remains in Jersey: the Pocquelaye Cromlech, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Midnight mass at the Madeleine, Paris, on Christmas Eve, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Ecclesiastical Council at Rome, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. Dr. Fraser, the new Bishop of Manchester, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Pastoral staff for the new Bishop of Winchester, 1870. Creator: Unknown.