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 16 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Sheerness"Advanced Search
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Garrison Point Fort, a coastal fort constructed in 1872, part of Sheerness defences, Kent, 2024. Creator: Damian Grady.
Centre Bastion, part of Sheerness Defences, Kent, 2024. Creator: Damian Grady.
Sheerness royal dockyard church, commissioners house and terraced houses, Kent, 2024. Creator: Damian Grady.
Queenborough Lines, fortifications protecting Sheerness dockyard from land attack, Kent, 2024. Creator: Damian Grady.
The Great Eastern steam-ship leaving Sheerness with the French Atlantic Cable, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
'Disembarkation of Russian Prisoners at Sheerness', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"The Devonshire" Prison-ship, at Sheerness, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Coiling the Cable in the After-tank on Board the Great Eastern at Sheerness: Visit..., 1865-66. Creator: Robert Charles Dudley.
The Old Frigate Iris with Her Freight of Cable Alongside the Great Eastern at Sheerness.., 1865. Creator: Robert Charles Dudley.
Interior of One of the Tanks on Board the Great Eastern: The Cable Passing Out, 1865-66. Creator: Robert Charles Dudley.
Boat Store, Sheerness Naval Dockyard, Kent, 1956. Artist: Eric de Maré.
'Sheerness - The Promenade and Beach', 1895. Artist: Unknown.
Sheerness Naval Dockyard. Artist: Aerofilms.
'Dock Yard, Sheerness, Kent', 1830. Artist: T Garner
Repel boarders exercise, Sheerness Gunnery School, Kent, 1896. Artist: Gregory & Co
'Fishing upon the Blythe Sand, Tide Setting in', 1809. Artist: JMW Turner