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 53 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Colombo"Advanced Search
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Prince Alfred in Ceylon: landing of His Royal Highness at Colombo, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Custom-House and inner harbour, Colombo, Ceylon, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The lighthouse and flagstaff at Colombo, Ceylon, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
View of a ferry house at the 'Grote Pas' at Colombo, c.1750. Creator: Anon.
Buitenhuis of the Governor on the Grote Pas at Colombo, c.1750. Creator: Anon.
The Uytlught Country House, Colombo, c.1750. Creator: B. van Lier.
Pigs without hind legs at a trough, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Pigs without hind legs, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Council representatives in Colombo, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Papaya tree, litigants come to see the Dessave, and a 'hennikap' or free servant in Colombo, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Preparing the decorations at Colombo, Ceylon, for the Royal Visit, from a sketch by one..., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Layard presenting to the Prince of Wales the address of the Municipal Council..., 1876. Creator: C. R..
Reception of the envoys of the King of Kandy by Governor Imam Falck, 1772. Creator: Carel Frederik Reimer.
Count Van Ranzow's Estate, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Colombo seen from the North, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
'Pour venir combattre sur le front de France; Le 19 mars, dans l'ile de Ceylan..., 1916 (1924) Creator: Unknown.
Reading the News of the Fall of Sebastopol at Ceylon, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
'Le Periple des Russes : De Moscou a Marseille par la Siberie, les Mers de Chine et des..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
''The de Soysa Lying-In Home and Medical Museum, Colombo', 1891 Creator: LK van Dort.
''Alfred House, Colombo, The Town Residence of Lady de Soysa', 1891. Creator: LK van Dort.
''Free Rest House and Orchard for Poor Wayfarers in Morotto', 1891. Creator: LK van Dort.
''The Prince of Wales College, Morottos, Ceylon', 1891. Creator: LK van Dort.
''The Duke and Duchess of Connaught leaving Colombo Harbour at night', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'Ceylon, Colombo', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
Washing an elephant in the river, Colombo, Ceylon, 1898. Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
'Exquisitely carved ornamentation of a Hindu Buddhist Temple, Colombo, Ceylon', 1902. Creator: Underwood & Underwood.
Religious procession, Colombo, Ceylon, 1895.  Creator: Unknown.
Street scene near the Town Hall, Colombo, Ceylon, 1895.  Creator: W & S Ltd.
'Malerischer alter Feigen baum (Ficus indica) an der Strasse Clombo-Galle bei Kalutara', 1926. Artist: Unknown.
'Neuer Hindutempel Pithat, Colombo', 1926. Artist: Unknown.
'Stand eines Obstverkaufers in Colombo', 1926. Artist: Unknown.
'The Market, Colombo', c1880 (1905). Creator: Alexander Henry Hallam Murray.
'The Queen's House, Colombo', c1880 (1905). Creator: Alexander Henry Hallam Murray.
'Breakwater, Colombo, During S.-W. Monsoon', c1890 (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'New Town Hall, Colombo, Ceylon', c1890, (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'View Towards the Pettah or Native Quarter, Colombo, Showing Khan Clock Tower', c1890, (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'General Post Office with Entrance to Queen's House and Clock Tower in Distance', c1890, (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'A Mohammedan Mosque, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo', c1890, (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'Typical Street Scene in Native Quarters, Colombo', c1890, (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'Colombo Museum', c1890, (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'Religious Preparation before entering the Mosque, Colombo, Ceylon', c1910.  Artist: Unknown.
The Colombo Cricket Ground, Ceylon, 1912.   Artist: Unknown.
Elephants performing at Columbo zoo in Sri Lanka. Artist: CM Dixon Artist: Unknown
Sri Lankan villagers winnowing rice. Artist: CM Dixon Artist: Unknown
Buddhist priest before the image of a reclining Buddha. Artist: Unknown
Colombo Harbour, Ceylon, late 19th or early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
The Grand Oriental Hotel, Colombo, Ceylon, late 19th or early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Road from Colombo to Galle, Colombo, Ceylon, late 19th or early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
'Hall of Tusks,' in the home of Lady de Soysa, Bambalapitiya, Colombo, Ceylon, 1903. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Colombo harbour, Ceylon, early 20th century(?). Artist: Unknown
Colombo Harbour, Ceylon (Sri Lanka).Artist: Keystone View Company
Colombo, Ceylon, c1890. Artist: Gillot
Colombo, Sri Lanka, c1910s. Artist: Unknown