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 53 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Oberammergau"Advanced Search
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The audience at the Passion Play, Ober-Ammergau, 1871. Creators: Unknown, Matthew White Ridley.
Ober Ammergau, in Bavaria, where the miracle play is performed, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
'Oberammergau, Germany, the Scene of the Passion Play', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
Jesus carrying the cross, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
'Bethany', 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
'Pietà', 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Mary, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Ettal Abbey from the south, Bavaria, Germany, c1922. Creator: Heinrich Sting.
Ettal Abbey from the north slope, Bavaria, Germany, c1922.  Creator: Unknown.
Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany c1922. Creator: Lorenz Fränzl.
The millstream at Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany c1922. Creator: Heinrich Uhlschmid.
Jesus at the Last Supper, 1922.  Creator: Unknown.
Jesus, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The Flagellation of Christ, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Mary, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Peter, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
John, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Judas, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The Magdalene, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Ananias, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Caiaphas, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Pilate, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Herod, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Prologue, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Child performers in the Oberammergau Passion Play, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The Anointing, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The journey to Jerusalem, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The journey to Jerusalem, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The entry into Jerusalem, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Expulsion of the moneylenders, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
The Last Supper, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The Last Supper, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Jesus on the Mount of Olives, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Judas betrays his master, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Jesus before Ananias, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Judas before the Sanhedrin, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Peter denies Jesus, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The meeting after the denial, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Jesus before the Sanhedrin, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Players on stage in the Oberammergau Passion Play, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Jesus before Pilate, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Jesus before Pilate, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Jesus before Herod, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
The wailing women, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
The Way of the Cross, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Episode on the Way of the Cross, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The Crucifixion, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
Members of the High Council, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The High Priests, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
The Last Supper, 1922.  Creator: Henry Traut.
Veneration of the Cross, with choir, 1922. Creator: Henry Traut.
View of Oberammergau, c1922.  Creator: Unknown.