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 56 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Ostend"Advanced Search
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A Tug Leaving the Port of Ostend at High Tide, 1878. Creator: Andreas Achenbach.
Afternoon in Ostend, 1881. Creator: James Ensor.
Ostend Harbour, 1900 or 1904. Creator: James Ensor.
Large View over the Rooftops of Ostend, 1884. Creator: James Ensor.
The Wellington Racecourse in Drizzle (Ostende), 1888. Creator: Alfred William Finch.
A Belgian harbour, 1882-1884. Creator: Alfred William Finch.
Bather posing for photo - Ostend, 1913. Creator: Bain News Service.
Bathers and Bathing Machines-Ostend, 1913. Creator: Bain News Service.
Bathing machines, Ostend, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Germans in Ostend, between 1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
German Army field Hdqrs. near Ostend, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Ostende, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Ostende, 1857. Creator: Félicien Rops.
a Ostende des Belges consacrent d'infinies precautions au transport d'un blesse allemand', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
Ostende Fishing Boat, August 17,1860. Creator: Clarkson Stanfield.
Ceremony of the Blessing of the Sea, at Ostend, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Ostend, 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Fish Women, Ostend, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
The Beach, Ostend, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Canal, Ostend, 1887. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Prudence (Prudentia) from The Virtues, ca. 1559-60. Creator: Philip Galle.
Ostend, from the City Flags series (N6) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands, 1887. Creator: Allen & Ginter.
'Map showing the Canal System connecting Zeebrugge and Ostend with Bruges'...(c1920). Creator: Unknown.
Hotchkiss, Le Blon at 1904 Ostend Speed Trials. Creator: Unknown.
Gobron Brillie, Rigolly at Ostend Speed Trials 1904. Creator: Unknown.
Gobron Brillie, Rigolly at Ostend Speed Trials 1904. Creator: Unknown.
De Dietrich, Gabriel at 1904 Ostend Speed Trials. Creator: Unknown.
Darracq, Kenelm Lee Guinness at 1905 Ostend Speed trials. Creator: Unknown.
Darracq, Barras at 1904 Ostend Speed Trials. Creator: Unknown.
Darracq, Barras at 1904 Ostend Speed Trials. Creator: Unknown.
Darracq 200bhp V8, Kenelm Lee Guinness at 1906 Ostend Speed Trials. Creator: Unknown.
Belgian military cyclists shooting at a German plane, First World War, 1914-1918, (c1920). Creator: Unknown.
'The Arrival of the British Marines at Ostend', First World War, 1914, (c1920).  Creator: Unknown.
'The Kursaal', c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'General View of the Strand at Bath-time',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Esplanade and the Kursaal', c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Royal Residence and the Esplanade',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'Station Place',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'View of the Esplanade towards the Palace Hotel and Cabins',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Esplanade',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Esplanade (seen from the Kursaal)',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Strand and the Kursaal',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'In a Wave',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Pier and the entrance of the Mail-Steamer',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'de Smet De Naeyer Bridge',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Mail-Steamer Stad Antwerpen',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The Harbour Station',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'Fishers-Boats',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'SS. Peter and Paul Church',  c1928. Artist: Unknown.
'The last act of a tragedy: A photograph taken on the last boat leaving Ostend for England', 1914. Artist: Unknown.
'Ostend', 1838. Artist: Unknown.
Belgian refugees on the harbour at Ostend waiting for a boat to take them to England, 1914.
'Ostende' 1898. Artist: Ferdinand Freih van Reznicek
Brussels to Ostend horse race, 1902. Artist: Unknown
Sunken warship HMS 'Vindictive', Ostend, Belgium, World War I, 1918.Artist: Realistic Travels Publishers
Sir Douglas Haig inspecting sailors, World War I, 1918.Artist: Realistic Travels Publishers